Welcome to AnimeWorld-API wiki!
AnimeWorld-API is an UNOFFICIAL library for AnimeWorld (Italian anime site).
Install the library using pip:
Now you can start searching for anime:
>>> import animeworld as aw
>>> res = aw.find("No game no life")
>>> res
{'name': 'No Game no Life', 'link': 'https://www.animeworld.so/play/no-game-no-life.IJUH1', ...}
And download episodes:
>>> import animeworld as aw
>>> anime = aw.Anime(link="https://www.animeworld.so/play/danmachi-3.Ydt8-")
>>> for episode in anime.getEpisodes():
... print("Episode Number: ", episode.number)
... if(episode.download()):
... print("Download completed")
For an overview of all the basics, go to the QuickStart section.
For more advanced topics, see the Advanced Usage section.
The API Reference section provides a complete API reference.
If you want to contribute to the project, visit the Contributing section.
- A next-generation HTTP client for Python. -
- Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites. -
- Beautiful Soup is a Python library designed for quick turnaround projects like screen-scraping.